Monday’s Humorous Captions

Monday’s Humorous Captions

Greetings, humor enthusiasts! Welcome to another mirthful Monday where we disrupt the monotony with punchlines, funny quotes, and whimsical wordplay. You know, they say laughter is the best medicine – well consider us your weekly prescription! Monday seems to hold a special place in the grimace gallery of the week. But fret not, we’re here to turn those wrinkles of worry into lines of laughter! So, grab a coffee, put on your amusement glasses and get ready to chuckle, as here are 10 humorous ‘Monday’ captions for you!

1. “Monday: May your coffee be strong and your boss’s memory weak.”
2. “How to beat Monday blues? Pretend it’s a Friday!”
3. “Monday survival guide: Close your eyes and think of Saturday.”
4. “May your Monday be short and your coffee be bottomless.”
5. “Whoever invented Monday must have been a Sadist.”
6. “Keep Calm folks, it’s just Monday not doomsday!”
7. “Blink twice if you feel personally victimized by Monday.”
8. “T.G.I.M – said no one ever.”
9. “Dear Monday, I’ve got a bone to pick with you.”
10. “Is there a shortcut from Sunday to Tuesday? Asking for a friend!”

Get ready to grin, here comes the humour train right at the start of the week!